Maloney EK, Cappella JN (2015) Does vaping in e-cigarette advertisements affect tobacco smoking urge, intentions, and perceptions in daily, intermittent, and former smokers? Health Commun 1–10. : 10.1080/10410236.2014.993496...
Will it be harder to quit smoking if my partner smokes? I don’t want to be sucked back into smoking because I live with a smoker. Vaping Advice April 2023 Why do I always go back to smoking when I… I managed to keep it to that for a while (just smoking while drinking) but...
Live tobacco-free:If you use tobacco or nicotine products of any kind, it's important to quit. This includes saying no to smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco or nicotine products. You should also steer clear of secondhand smoke as best as you can. Control cholesterol and high blood pressure...
Visual depictions of vaping in electronic cigarette advertisements may serve as smoking cues to smokers and former smokers, increasing urge to smoke and smoking behavior, and decreasing self-efficacy, attitudes, and intentions to quit or abstain. After assessing baseline urge to s...
vaping and smoking cessation in randomized control trials (RCTs). RCTs were searched on different databases. The outcome measures included long-term vaping or smoking cessation and maximal or peak oxygen uptake (VO2max/peak) after vaping- or smoking cessation. Meta-analysis was conducted to ...