In the Mass itself, we have the with its emphasis on the place, the Temple, a strong theme in the Mass’ texts: COLLECT (1962MR): Omnipotens sempiterne Deus, maiestatem tuam suppliciter exoramus: ut, sicut unigenitus Filius tuus hodierna die cum nostrae carnis substantia in templo...
32、;sintention;itistheactperformedinsayingsomething.Aperlocutionaryactistheactperformedbyorresultingfromsayingsomething;itistheconsequeneeof,orthechangebroughtaboutbytheutteranee;itistheactperformedbysayingsomething.Forexample:Youhaveleftthedoorwideopen.Thelocutionaryactperformedbythespeakeristhathehas 33、uttered...
My response: we can’t be sure any plastic is safe as long as we don’t know what chemicals are in the plastic and as long as those chemicals have not been tested. I’ve said this over and over again. And I’ve pointed outchemical additives that have been found to leach ...