If I have dual citizenship with the U.S. and another country, which passport should I use when traveling? What are the benefits of having dual citizenship vs. having a green card? Can you have triple citizenship? What countries allow triple citizenship? Does the U.S. allow triple citizenshi...
We used a survey experiment to manipulate deliberative versus intuitive thinking to test whether deliberative thinking increases political tolerance of immigrant-origin individuals with dual citizenship. Using a nationally representative sample of Dutch majority members, we found that de...
Dual citizenship occurs when a person is legally a citizen of two countries at the same time. For example, a child may be born to English parents living in the U.S. The child automatically is a U.S. citizen due to having been born on U.S. soil, but the child can also be a U....
The numbers of migrants trying to cross from the Libya on the coast of north Africa to one of the EU's southern nations is increasing. Europe's impoverished southern nations can't cope. And in the better off nations of northern Europe immigration is a to
Should Ukraine amend the Constitution and allow dual citizenship, instantly legitimising tens of thousands of Ukrainians who currently hold dual (or more) citizenship? If so, how would that affect national security, economics, politics and the electorate – both positively and negatively?
Achieving sustainable development is today a basic premise for all companies and governments. The 2030 Agenda has outlined an action plan focused on all areas and interest groups. Achieving economic growth and technological progress, social development,
Chapter 14: Does Dual Citizenship Endanger Ethnic Cohabitation? How the South Tyrolean Population Views a Supplementary Austrian CitizenshipAtz, HermannHaller, MaxÖsterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte...
Highly-educated professional transnational migrants mostly make up our sample of 36; 26 possess dual citizenship. We focus on our informants' narratives about their transnational experiences, self-appraisals of their dual identities and how they value dual citizenship. ...
Dual Citizenship: What Does It Mean to be a Christian and a Citizen of the U.S.?Scott Culpepper
Business Ethics, Corporate Good Citizenship and the Corporate Social Policy Process: A View from the United States. J. Bus. Ethics 1989, 8, 583–595. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Kim, B.; Pae, J.; Yoo, C.-Y. Business Groups and Tunneling: Evidence from Corporate Charitable Contributions...