Human-provided food increases aggregation but does not change activity budgets in an urban wading birddoi:10.1093/jue/juae017food provisioningurbanizationwildlife behaviorAmerican white ibisinfectious diseaseIn urban areas, animals often aggregate at higher densities, move less, and alter their diets to ...
A sociologist studies and analyzes human society, social behavior, and the intricate relationships that shape the way individuals interact with one another and their environment. Sociologists examine patterns, trends, and dynamics within societies to better understand the social structures, cultural norms,...
Behavioral Ecologists focus on the study of animal behavior, including mating rituals, foraging patterns, and other behaviors that influence the fitness and survival of wildlife species. Urban Wildlife Ecologists study wildlife that inhabits urban environments, addressing the challenges and opportunities ...
Like any good relationship,I'll never be pleased.I'm stuck with this tree,so I'll listen to its needs and give it the space it requires.In return,my walnut offers a habitat for wildlife and a reminder. 4.Why d...
Wildlife Res 24:263–277 Article Google Scholar Bateman PW, Fleming PA (2012) Big city life: carnivores in urban environments. J Zool 287:1–23 Article Google Scholar Bertolino S, Dore B (1995) Food habits of the Stone Marten Martes foina in “La Mandria” Regional Park (Piedmont ...
To restore balance to mangrove areas, it is necessary to enforce policies to improve and restore natural resources and environments; this includes changing the attitudes and behavior of both tourists and stakeholders. Therefore, to develop an appropriate response (R) in the form of policies and ...
First, as forward-looking behavior, health innovation has a significant effect on disease prevention. For example, Kreimer et al. (2018) research covering the impact of human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) on the incidences of cervical cancer reflects the large-scale prevention effects brought about...
How does preening behavior enable a bird to continue to fly successfully? How is it to have a career in Ecology or Wildlife conservation? How is the endangered species act effective in protecting endangered and threatened species? How is a mosquito involved in causing malaria in humans? Why ar...
. All the referred risks were more frequently associated with overseas travel. As for domestic travel, wildlife and the road’s condition were the greatest concerns. The context may change everything. Negative events in association to fears and concerns can prevent the tourist from visiting certain...
How can light pollution harm wildlife? How does soil degradation affect the climate? How does pollution influence mass wasting? How does climate change affect animals? How does global climate change affect plants and animals? How does pollution affect the greenhouse effect? How does wind erosion af...