According to the United States Department of Energy, reducing standby power by unplugging unused devices couldsave the average American household around $100-200 annually. That’s the same, or even more in some cases, as saving anentire month of electricity bills. On an environmental note, a s...
Turn off the dishwasher: If your dishwasher is currently running, press the power button or turn off the dishwasher by unplugging it from the power source. Wait for a few minutes: Allow the dishwasher to sit idle for a few minutes to ensure that any residual power is drained from the syst...
Coke. Coke is a lesser-known fix you can find in your refrigerator. Pour a 2-liter bottle of cola — Pepsi, Coke, or generic brand substitutes —down the clogged drain. Coke is actually quite caustic and effective at clearing away buildup in your drains, but it's far milder than comme...