does not work on Mac OSX Input - Sep 09, 2015 Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'InputStringTest' scene 3. Play the scene 4. Click any of the keyboard buttons 5. Watch the console, notice no input is logged despite the Debug.Log(Input.inputString) being ...
Unity 2020.2 is now available Euro Truck Simulator 2 Demo - M1 Mac Gameplay with stats📚 Bundle Version History eu.exelban.Stats eu.exelban.Stats v2.11.1 ✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support 🖥 Supported Architectures X86, ARM Full Info Plist { "BuildMachineOSBuild": "23F79",...
I'm interested in using Unity Build Automation, but I'd like to know more about how the pricing works. Resolution: Unity Build Automation (formerly Unity Cloud Build) is now part of Unity DevOps and pricing is completely metered, so you only pay for what you use. Unity Build Automation ...
Occurring on Windows 10 & Mac 10.15.Stack trace: ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: componentOrGameObject UnityEditor.PrefabUtility.GetCorrespondingConnectedObjectFromSource[TObject] (TObject componentOrGameObject) (at <5951c2421c324f478...
Sometimes the undo action (cmd-z) no longer undoes my recent work but instead inserts bits of mangled code to random areas in the file. Sometimes this code is related to code stored on my clipboard, although sometimes it is just letters and partial words of nearby code that ...
Expected behavior Following the steps in Src/Newtonsoft.Json-for-Unity.Tests/ as-is successfully guides the user to run the tests on all platforms. (I am assuming that Mac OS is a supported platform since it is required to build iOS.) Ac...
Also, it seems like setting GestureRecognizers on a control actually breaks the click-event handlers. I'm not 100% sure what's going on but this is the impression I'm getting from my code testing.Oh, and lastly, before I forget. It seems like a single "tap" event handler will not...
If they develop a “immersive” (VR) game there are other platforms they can target for revenue like the Quest, PSVR, Pico etc. especially if they’re using Unity. Dragon Marble So potentially this amazing headset would end up being chronically plagued by “cheap ports” and never get to ...
Windows PC-C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor Mac-/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor Linux-~/Unity/Hub/Editor If you want to change the default install location, you can do so by clickingPreferences(gear icon) at the top left of the Hub window, selectingInstalls...
Well, I suppose that for very simple Unity projects, where no C# scripting is required, Unity could still work without it. Still, I'd recommend to add a big warning to the docs: in order to use Rider with Unity on macOS, you will need to have Visual Studio for Mac and Mono ...