V3208. Unity Engine. Using 'WeakReference' with 'UnityEngine.Object' is not supported. GC will not reclaim the object's memory because it is linked to a native object. V3209. Unity Engine. Using await on 'Awaitable' object more than once can lead to exception or deadlock, as such obje...
V3188. Unity Engine. The value of an expression is a potentially destroyed Unity object or null. Member invocation on this value may lead to an exception. V3189. The assignment to a member of the readonly field will have no effect when the field is of a value type. Consider restricting...
com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit@1.0.0-pre.2\Runtime\Interaction\Interactors\XRDirectInteractor.cs The culprit is the `OnTriggerEnter` and `OnTriggerExit` methods, which don't take into account that the colliding object might be made out of multiple collid...
V3208. Unity Engine. Using 'WeakReference' with 'UnityEngine.Object' is not supported. GC will not reclaim the object's memory because it is linked to a native object. V3209. Unity Engine. Using await on 'Awaitable' object more than once can lead to exception or deadlock, as such obje...
Hey, So I am on the latest version of SteamVR and on unity 2018.3.0f2, but for some reason I am unable to open the binding UI. Attached is a Gif of me attempting to open it. I'll also attach the error messages. The First error thrown: St...
I tried several suggestions I found in the forums, delete the obj and bin folders, restart Visual Studio, restart my pc, uninstall Xamarin and reinstall it, roll back to the previous Xamarin packages in NuGet Package Manager but nothing is helping. I am not sure if it's a Xamarin bug ...
V3188. Unity Engine. The value of an expression is a potentially destroyed Unity object or null. Member invocation on this value may lead to an exception. V3189. The assignment to a member of the readonly field will have no effect when the field is of a value type. Consider restricting...
Your code looks fine. Have you tried to clean your project and manually delete bin and obj folders then restart VS, rebuild your project?中文(简体) 你的隐私选择 主题 管理Cookie 早期版本 博客 参与 隐私 使用条款 商标 © Microsoft 2024 ...