mean -9.0/0 SHOULD throw negative infinity. Notice, this example throws negative infinity: double a = 2; a =- a/0; It SHOULD (maybe?) also mean diving by 0 takes longer to compute than dividing by some other number. No, it is not correct to say 9.0/0 is infinity, but I guess ...
What is the difference between undefined and infinity? What does a slashed zero mean in discrete mathematics? As long as x is not zero, x^0 is defined to be equal to 1. Using this definition, simplify: a. 3^0 b. (7x^4)^0 c. 5x^0 ...
What are the undefined points in this numerical expression? \frac{ 7x + 3 }{ x^2 + 5x + 6 } a) What does the caret symbol (^) mean in this arithmetic expression: {.0035 (1.0035)^360}/{1.0035^360-1}? b) Find the numerical value of the arithmetic expression given in part a)....
We approximate the factorial function by a sequence of functions: for each natural number n, factorial_n coincides with factorial up to and including n. Clearly factorial_n converges towards factorial for n going towards infinity. factorial_0 n = if n == 0 then 1 else undefined factorial_1 ...
if (rotation !== undefined) { var extent = feature.getGeometry().getExtent(); var coordinates = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates()[0]; var getTopLeft = coordinates[0]; var getBottomLeft = coordinates[1]; var getBottomRight = coordinates[2]; ...
regExpOptionsundefined(Deprecated) When provided, these flags will be used when creating the search regexes internally. This functionality is deprecated as the flags set on the regex provided are no longer mutated if this is not provided.
This does not mean that 1^oo is e^x. Similarly, lack of a unique limit for 0^0 does not imply that 0^0 is undefined. (Hmmm, I thought I’ve read a number of times that limits are always unique!) The “indeterminate form” 1^oo i...
When when we say "mass", we mean rest mass, which is independent of velocity. (The statement that you might be looking for is probably one of the following: a) The work that needs to be performed to accelerate a massive particle to speed v goes to infinity as v goes to c. b) If...
( Infinity|0 ) === 0; // приведениекнулюпроисходитисбесконечностью, ( -Infinity|0 ) === 0; // исминусбесконечностью, ( null|0 ) === 0; // ис null, ( (void 0)|0 ) === 0; // ис ...
“you” do not exist, and “I” claim “I” do exist, and every phenomena in the universe is predetermined, then the statement “I do not exist” is no more true than “I do exist”. Both are equally true, which is to say both are both true, and not true, and undefined, and ...