Turmeric doesn't darken the skin. In fact, turmeric has skin-lightening properties which help you get rid of dark spots effectively without causing any side-effects. Using turmeric along with other moisturizing ingredients such as milk or honey will help improve your skin complexion. Can I apply...
How do you speed up skin regeneration? Once the wound is clean, there are several techniques to speed up the healing process. These include the use ofantibacterial ointments, turmeric, aloe vera, garlic, and coconut oil. A person should seek medical help right away if their wound is large....
Tanning every day may appear harmless, but, in reality, lying out in the sun is actually damaging your skin's DNA. According to Dr. ... And while the cells in your epidermis regenerate every 28 days — when you go out in the sun without protection, UVB rays can cause serious DNA dam...