If you boot a UEFI firmware entirelynormally, without doing any of the tweaks we’ll discuss later, what it ought todo is try to boot from each of the ‘entries’ in the ‘boot menu’, in the orderlisted in BootOrder. So on this system it would try to boot the entry called‘opensus...
D.Shelikestodointerview-basedresearch.18、A.Keepsilentorasktoleave. B.Askforanotherquestion. C.Statehisunwillingnesstoanswer. D.Requesttomakehimanonymous.19、A.Itwasveryenjoyable. B.Itwasaboutpopmusic. C.ItfeaturedaGreekband. D.Itwasbetterthanlastyear's.20、A.Hehasfewoptions. B.Helosesinterest...