In addition to having a white, yellow or cream-colored curd-like appearance, oral thrush can causea burning sensation in the mouth, soreness and/or sensitivity to acidic and spicy foods, an unpleasant taste in the mouth and bad breath (halitosis). How do I get instant relief from thrush?
Along with swollen tongue bumps, signs of oral thrush include white lesions, burning, and soreness. Tongue bumps are a symptom of other infections as well, including herpes simplex and syphilis. Certain antibiotics for infections can also cause your taste buds to swell. Poor oral hygiene If...
The same can’t be said about the connection between Candida and acne. Candida is more prevalent in people with acne and other skin conditions. It can cause problems in the gut, and thus aggravate acne through thegut-skin axis. Similarly immune system in problem skin may react to Candida t...