Progesterone drops with perimenopause because progesterone is hard to make. Unlike estrogen (which you make on the way to ovulation), progesterone can only be madeafterovulation. And ovulation is hard to do, especially as you move into your forties and start to have shorter luteal phases andmore...
Soon, JP wasn’t consistently showing up for work, and the accumulating stress triggered bulimic episodes. Yet JP only discussed these problems anonymously on Reddit, ashamed to bring them up with friends. “If this is happening to me, is it happening to others?” they wondered. “If it’s...
it was in a very dark place and mentally rock bottom. and my whole ethos being plant-based medicine coming into this. somebody recommended when i kind of exhausted every other option recommended i should look ketamine therapy. and in my head, it's like that's a, silly; b, it's a ...
Additionally, new ketamine therapies have recently been found to provide dramatic relief to many people who are suffering from treatment-resistant major depression issues. Ketamine therapy was notably helping the same Matthew Perry who later died from the use of the drug in a dangerous setting. The...
Future work might look at whether social isolation is due to simple impairment in gross motor skills or if it might be more specifically at- tributed to a reduction in daily living skills; such know- ledge would allow more targeted treatment (such as physical therapy for gross motor skills ...
Adapted version of the work and social adjustment scale (Adapted WSAS) The WSAS [87] was adapted for this study to assess the five health relevant domains: emotional, cognitive, behavioral, social, and physical domains. Example items include “Because of my sleep problems, I have difficulty man...
People who suffer from anxiety or memory loss are more liable to develop hearing loss in their old age. But, for those who do not have severe Tinnitus, there is, of course, a therapy. Finally, we all live in noise-polluted environments, and our lives have become more surrounded by trigg...
It was quite satisfying to make progress and be reminded of the great potential my research has to improving the current remedial therapy. Advice to others… (What advice would you give to others who want a role like yours?) Be confident! I think I could have progressed a lot further if...
“Someone who has lymphedema will benefit undoubtedly from manual lymphatic drainage,” Nicole Stout, a physical therapist and spokesperson for the American Physical Therapy Association, said. “It clears the congested area and enables other parts of the body to take up the fluid.” ...
Differential diagnosis obstructive or restrictive lung disease, medications, liver disease a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Flashbacks to a rash often presents ethical or legal guidelines. Examination of the newborn, in early infancy, abnormal metabolic effects of pharmaceutical therapy. Addition of am...