Why is Wales not on the Union Jack? The Welsh dragon does not appear on the Union Flag. This isbecause when the first Union Flag was created in 1606, the Principality of Wales by that time was already united with England and was no longer a separate principality. The Union Flag was ori...
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Irish Wolfhounds are pretty expensive in the first year and could deplete your cash if you are not careful. Once you set apart money for food, grooming, treats, vet visits, and an emergency fund, you can be frugal in the other extra purchases. Image Credit: DragoNika, shutterstock Irish...
The name was borne by Saint Margaret (-304), who was martyred at Antioch in Pisidia under Diocletian. According to legend, she was swallowed by Satan in the form of a dragon, but she escaped by bursting through the monster's side via a cross. The name was adopted in Scotland in the ...
Was the Viking language a Germanic language? Is the harp used in Welsh folk music? Are the Lakota and Nez Perce the same? Why did the Greek gods create human beings? Does Greek have connections to the Germanic languages? Are Icelandic people considered Indigenous people?
Funky Dragon is the collective name for the peer-led organisation aiming to give young people, aged 25 and under, the chance to have their voices heard by the decision makers at the Senedd. Young members are elected from … Read the full-text article with a free, 1-day trial of Questi...
The rights to the name the WDA, the Welsh Development Agency and its distinctive logo are owned by the Welsh Government, The relevant trademarks don't have to be renewed with the Intellectual Property Office until 2014. Wales' share of inward investment projects to UK drops to just 2.6%; SE...
we puffed the dragon, spilt his seed rallied ‘gainst the capitalist creed read the book of thoughts by tse tong infected of the wrongof being young thus bells rang out for class smug disappointment settled vast a generation too soon ran to the hills ...