A 3D printed heart made from human tissue is processed at Tel Aviv University, Israel in 2019. Israeli scientists have, for the first time, created an entire heart with cells, blood vessels, ventricles and chambers using a 3D printer. Amir Levy/Getty Images Not too long ago, the idea of...
Suffice it to say, Israel should pay no attention to what Canada does or what Canada says. Israel, the Jewish state, while only about a quarter of the population of Canada and significantly younger than Canada, has made an impact on the world the likes of which Canada can never claim. C...
Iran does not consider Saudi Arabia to be an enemy. For Iran the US and Israel are enemies. Saudi Arabia is a neighbor and Iran has been trying to improve relations with Saudis, especially since President Rouhani came to power. Rouhani has also tried to reduce tensions with the US governme...
The numbers of migrants trying to cross from the Libya on the coast of north Africa to one of the EU's southern nations is increasing. Europe's impoverished southern nations can't cope. And in the better off nations of northern Europe immigration is a to
Students at Columbia want their school to divest its $13.6 billion endowment from any company linked to Israel or businesses that are profiting from the Israel-Hamas war. Zaydee Sanchez/Reuters New York CNN — As Pro-Palestinian protests continue to sweep across major US u...
“At first you just think, ‘What’s happening to me?’ Your body goes into complete pain and panic mode. It’s the sound equivalent of looking into the sun.” These military-grade weapons soon found their way ashore and into the hands of police. Protesters have reported LRAD attacks by...
. Self-defense involves preserving one's own health and life when it is threatened by the actions of others. When we speak about using potentially lethal force in self-defense, we're talking about using weapons to protect ourselves and others, even if the weapons used could kill the ...
The soft power of the contrarian. by Sophie Grove It started at this summer’s Nato summit in Brussels. French president Emmanuel Macron approached a phalanx of world leaders, swerving the US president to shake the hand of Angela Merkel. At the same summit he crushed Trump’s hand during a...
Exclusive: Does Israel Have Chemical Weapons Too?Aaron David Miller
We are often told by hippyish types we all live in our own reality. There's some truth in that but only a little, while our minds create a world from the information gathered by our senses (in some ways similar the how your computer builds an image of te