摘要: We study permutation polynomials of the shape G ( X ) + γ Tr ( H ( X ) ) in F p n [ X ] . Using a link with functions having a linear structure, we introduce an effective method to construct many such permutations, as well as p-to-1 mappings....
if ($level == 0 && $c eq ';') { last; } # An else is really a conditional as long as its not else if if ($level == 0 && $coff_set == 0 && (!defined($p) || $p =~ /(?:\s|\}|\+)/) && $remainder =~ /^(else)(?:\s|{)/ && $r...
When PGP needs to send something, it sets the SFIDA_TO_CENTRAL characteristic value and notifies the app using SFIDA_COMMANDS notification The app can read anytime from SFIDA_TO_CENTRAL I will not go into detail about the other two services: The battery service must exist because the app rea...
When I had dual monitors, the girls I'd bring over didn't really pay any attention to it at all. My roommate has 3, sometimes 4 monitors and the only comments the girls I've brought over have made were inquisitive. If you're finding people that find it a bad thing, they're j...
The skill trigger rate field is a result of a skill rotation simulation which should take into account the situation when the triggering rate is halved. I've showcased it in the initial screenshot i posted. I can't really seem to replicate the issue your last two screenshots are showcasing...
Email can bounce for many reasons. I'll look at several of the most common email bounce messages and try to interpret what they really mean.
Although no hard estimates exist, the situation would be different today since use of checks has peaked (leading to a reversal of scale economies) while ACH costs appear to have fallen by over 80% at Federal Reserve processing offices (which would proxy bank costs).5 Recent cross-country ...
Though the process of GST return filing procedure has been so far seamless and foolproof, the chances of technical faults do exist. This validates that GST registration is still an ongoing process and is in mid-way of perfection. In this respect, the GST department has extended the due date...