how fires affected.As you might imagine, over time, savanna vegetation has adapted very well to fire.Trees and shrubs have a very thick bark that helps protect them from the fire.And Savannah trees are separated pretty far apart from one another, and their crowns are high above the ground....
Is there fruit in the tundra biome? How is the savanna biome similar to the grassland biome? How do bears adapt to a temperate forest? What animals live in the alpine tundra biome? How do animals survive in the Arctic region? How are Arctic wolves adapted to their environment?
How does climate change affect the savanna biome? How do clouds influence the climate system? How do rainforests maintain the water cycle? How do tropical forests help protect our water supply? How do trees maintain homeostasis? How have vast forests on Earth influenced the greenhouse effect?
The dehesas of the south-western Iberian Peninsula are "man-made" ecosystems characterized by a savanna-like physiognomy. The open tree stratum is dominated by three oak species, Quercus ilex, Q. suber and Q. pyrenaica , whose densities range from 10 to 80 trees per hectare. In this paper...
a savanna's natural vegetation tucks most of its carbon safely away below ground, where it's protected from fire and hungry herbivores. planting trees can also have unintended consequences in places that naturally reflect sunlight ...
It is the elephant's great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and under﹣bushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This...
In short, the SLA–LLS spectrum is a trade-off between the potential rate of return per leaf area per unit time and the duration of return. Thus, SLA, N and P are important traits to assess leaf ecological strategies. In South America, the cerrado is the largest savanna region, ...
The trunk of an elephant is a muscular, flexible extension this mammal's upper lip and nose. Africansavannaelephants and African forest elephants have trunks with two finger-like growths at their tip; the trunks ofAsian elephantshave only one such fingerlike growth. These structures, also known...
How have plants and animals adapted in the Savanna ecosystem? Describe at least one example of a symbiotic relationship that exists between plants and animals. Explain how prolific organisms can be isolated for use in bioremediation processes. How is the human body similar to an...