You have to choose a sensor with IR sensitivity pixels on the CFA. Both onsemi and OmniVision offer various sensors that come equipped with RGB-IR imaging capabilities. Have a look at the below image to understand the pixel pattern of a sensor that supports RGB-IR i...
So, no Rhasspy, Kalliope, Leon or Mycroft. That's something a Raspberry Pi can provide, but that would force to change the whole board, and I'm just playing around with the speaker one. Of course I'm open to PRs and contributions if you want :) ...
I'm can't tell without a schematic how the Vin of the SIM7000 is connected to the batteries or USB, but the SIM7000 (along with nearly every other module supported by this library) absolutely, positively, without doubt, must have more than the 500mA power in that most Arduino style boa...
WARNING: supplicant: wpa_supplicant or driver does not support P2P (supplicant_status_fn() in /home/pi/miraclecast/src/wifi/wifid-supplicant.c:1698) on raspberry pi