Defining this "beyond the universe" would imply that the universe has an edge. And that's where things get tricky, because scientists aren't certain if such a drop-off exists. The answer depends on how one views the question. Sponsored Links Doutor: Manter a massa muscular após os 50 an...
As unsettling as it might sound, Everett's Many-Worlds interpretation has implications beyond the quantum level. If an action has more than one possible outcome, then — if Everett's theory is correct — the universe splits when that action happens. This holds true even when a person chooses...
It looks like you can setup a tap event handler and define the number of taps to trigger the event. So, we can set up double-tap event handlers. But where's the equivalent double-click for a mouse? Somebody please explain whether clicks/taps are the same and if not, why isn't ...
adding the checkbox column in to WPF datagrid and select the checked rows ?? Adding user control that has no default constrctor in mainwindow throws exception. Adding UserControl programmatically Adjust the height of the WPF window Automatically based on window size ! Advice on a help file for...
Humanity's impact on the environment during our short history on the planet has been profound. Global temperatures are on the rise, species are going extinct at an unsettling rate, and strange phenomena — likeresearchers starting to see green beneath the Arctic iceandflowers blooming in Antarctica...
"Perceptive observers of the UFO scene over the last two-thirds of a century have noted a telltale feature of the evolution of reports," Oberg said. "Their nature has been changing,keeping uncanny pacewith the progress in human observation and detection technologies." ...
Notwithstanding this, the truth remains unchanged for me; time, as an objective container for the universe does not exist. It has no independent reality outside my perception. Instead, time is a function of our relationship with the physical world and although we might rely on it in our ever...
A chemical reaction sometimes occurs in an odd way, since in microscopic view the progress of a reaction is governed by the quantum theory. New research by scientists at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has shown, surprisi...
Earth has a magnetic field extending between the north and south poles. The planet's rotation around its axis and the movement of liquid iron inside the Earth contribute to creating the magnetic field. When an iron-rich minerals such as magnetite becomes hot enough it loses their magnetic prope...
observable matter is not enough to explain the strength of the ‘pull’ of ‘stuff’ in the universe that acts against this relentless expansion, based on what we can observe. throw in other discrepancies with gravitation and we start noticing an absence of matter relat...