The Christian Bible has exerted a profound influence on many peoples and governments throughout history. Even if the Christian church was more politically powerful in past centuries than it is today, Christianity remains the world's largest religion....
1. Darkness points to the simple fact of human ignorance. Those who are "in the dark" are those who lack knowledge. To the Jewish mind, this metaphor had particular application to the Gentile world - a world that had not received the grace of God through the revelation of the Torah,...
Josephus was an ancient writer, historian, general, and scholar whose writings provide some of the clearest insights into Jewish history in the ancient world. While reputable, some of his more controversial claims have been refuted in modern times....
A Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling council who comes to Jesus at night to seek understanding. 3.The Light Symbolically represents Jesus and the truth of God, which exposes sin and darkness. 4.Evil Deeds Actions that are contrary to God's will and are done in darkness to avoid exp...
Jesus taught the same truth to the Jewish religious leader Nicodemus when He told him, “you must be born again” (John 3:7). Nicodemus was a devout, moral, religious man. He believed in God and he sought to obey God’s Word. But none of those qualities will do anything for a man...
as if adding insult to injury, be paid to the fund for rebuilding the Temple of the Capitoline Jupiter (Jos.Wars,vii. 6, ? 6). The three great festivals of the Jewish year were recognised as proper times for payment; and the relation of this narrative to John 7 makes it probable that...
The text of Joel is best known because Peter reaches for it to explain to his Jewish listeners what God is now doing as a result of Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension: This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit...
The gathering of citizens was called "ekklesia" - "ek" means "out of" and "klesia" means "calling." Jesus used this word when he said in Matthew 16:18, "upon this rock I will build my ekklesia." William Tyndale's 1535 B...
The Prophets of the Torah warned us about this many times. They often called us wicked. When? When we did not obey the Commandments of the Torah. Yet never once in all of the Jewish Bible did the Prophets chastise us for not believing in Jesus! Not once!
Judaism accepts and studies the teachings of all the true prophets, which includes all of those in the Jewish Bible. We use the term «Jewish Bible.» We donotuse the term «Old Testament,» because we find that term insulting, and also because we do not accept the so-called «...