Finally, distant inflammatory responses due to a ‘leaky gut’ and microbiome changes are suspected in Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, chronic depression and autism spectrum disorders. This article introduces an extended ‘epithelial barrier hypothesis’, which proposes that the increase in ...
Based on prior studies that adopt the DEA approach to assess IC performance, the following hypothesis investigates the research objective of examining significant differences in IC efficiency: H1. On average, there were statistically significant differences in the efficiency of firms' IC over the ...
1. Introduction 2. Background and hypothesis development 3. Data and sample overview 4. Empirical results 5. Robustness check 6. Conclusions Acknowledgements Appendix A. Variable definition and calculation Appendix B. Tests for PSM matching sample ReferencesShow full outline Cited by (105) Figures ...
2. Conceptual framework and hypothesis development Descriptive statistics are used to explore the first and second research objectives. In order to analyse the third and fourth research goals, this study developed a conceptual framework to determine the role of the constructs (sustainability knowledge, ...
1. Introduction 2. Literature review and hypothesis development 3. Data measurements and model specification 4. Empirical method and strategy 5. Discussion of findings 6. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of competing interest Acknowledgement Appendix A. Data availability Refere...
Due to the continuous progress of constructing sustainable environments in China, the role played by the Chinese central government as the main body for promoting green development is worth studying. Because China’s ecological civilization building has
Drawing from these theoretical frameworks, we propose a “norms-induced hypothesis.” This hypothesis suggests that the level of corruption in a region can impact financial advisors’ ethical decision-making. Specifically, in areas characterized by high levels of corruption, financial advisors may percei...
Associations between stereopsis, motor skills, and isolation The findings reported here support the hypothesis of links between impaired stereopsis and both fine and gross motor skills. In the current study, there was also a relationship between stereopsis impairment and coord- ination/daily living ...
1. Introduction Laws can consist of either mandatory or default rules. Yet, there is also the possibility of hybrids between these types of rules.1 This paper discusses a scenario where lawmakers provide two (or more) sets of legal rules that users can select. This is a potentially innovative...
1. Introduction 2. Agriculture and agri-environmental schemes in Poland 3. Theoretical background and literature review 4. Concept, methods and empirical strategy of the study 5. Results and discussion 6. Conclusions CRediT authorship contribution statement Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgements...