the female guppy can produce new litters for up to a year, even if you separate her from males. If your guppy is in a family way, her appearance and behavior will tip you off when her time is at
28 Study the flowchart below.Living.things Does it lay eggs ?Yes No Does it have Does it live in feathers ?water ?Yes No Yes No W25X YZ Which one of the following correctly represents animals W, X, Y and Z respectively?(3)W XY一Z(1)Penguin Turtle Bat Guppy(2)Bat Guppy Turtle Pen...
26. Study the flow chart below.Animals Does it lives on No Does it lay No land?eggs?A yes Yes BNo Does it lay eggs?D Yes C(a) Give an example of an animal for A, B, C and D.[2]A-guppy B-goldfish C- hen D-dog(b) Based on the flow chart above, state one similarity be...
aculeatus [96], in the guppy P. reticulata [64,80], in the sailfin molly P. latipinna [97,98], and in the Atlantic molly P. mexicana [99–101]. In the Atlantic molly, Plath et al. [99,100] and Ziege et al. [101] found that males diminished or even reversed their initial ...