What does the Great Sphinx symbolize? What is the firmament? What does the Navajo flag represent? What does a raven symbolize in Celtic mythology? What's the star sign for September? What does an owl symbolize in Celtic mythology? What are Haida symbols?
From the beginning of recorded history, one of the main reasons human beings have believed in God has been the marvelous things they saw all around them in nature. The psalmist wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament [the sky] shows His handiwork. . . . There ...
Their wont, however, is to ascend the summits of the loftiest mountains, and there to making offerings to Zeus (Mary Boyce: "Ahuramazda's name was regularly 'translated' as Zeus by Greeks"), which is the name they give to the whole circuit of the firmament. They likewise offer to the...