Does The Bible Say That God Won't Give You More Than You Can Handle? Podcast Episode 2023 37m YOUR RATING RateAdd a plot 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to WatchlistPhotos Add photoStoryline EditUser reviews Be the first to review
The Bible tells us that God is a jealous God, but isn’t jealousy bad? Then why is it okay for God to be jealous? What exactly is jealousy? To be jealous is to have a feeling of resentment against someone because of that person’s rivalry, success, or advantages and being resentful ...
“Does God love me?”I frequently take them to one of my favorite passages in the Bible:“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).I love this verse because it sayswhywe can cast our anxiety on God — because he loves us. Imagine that!
The Bible says Jesus came into the world to save sinners, especially the worst of sinners (1 Tim. 1:15). That means people like me, like you, and like the Apostle Paul who at one time opposed everyone and everything he later came to love and defend. ...
Christians will not find the word “suicide” in Scripture, but the fact of suicide is seen throughout Scripture as an evidence of the struggle some have with the effects of mankind’s fallen nature. The Bible teaches that Satan, the father of lies, comes to steal, kill, and destroy God...
During this period, the antichrist becomes the dominant figure on the earth. I want to make a distinction because when you learn about the antichrist, there are two aspects you must consider. The Bible refers to the spirit of the antichrist and the person of the antichrist. As we go ...
The post-apostolic, institutional church has always proclaimed that Jesus was both man and God, and this is still the situation to this day. This church asserts that Jesus preexisted as God, being one of three co-equal and co-eternal members of a Trinity: the Father, the Son (Jesus), ...
What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness? 30 related questions found Why does God want to forgive us? We are told to forgive over and over again,because it is what Jesus has done for us. God forgives us of our sins no matter the circumstances, and loves us just the same. We are ca...
Why? Because he loves us. Does God Hate? What Does the Bible Actually Say? One thing that might help Sandra’s sister is to show herMatthew 5:44where Jesus says, “Love your enemies.” Now, isn’t it interesting.Right before thatHe says, “You have heard it said to love your neigh...
Does the bible really tells us that God hates sinners? We have all heard the expression that God hates sin but loves the sinner, and even though that phrase is not an actual verse, you can certainly make a strong biblical case for that. But lately I have been seeing posts online that ...