“This is one of many such promising single case reports of medical cannabis self-treatment for various cancers. Such case reports are biologically credible given the adaptogenic nature of the endocannabinoid system. A case report itself is not sufficient to give any form of proof that one thin...
bTUehiKnsLdcu1o/mce2pd,lbFexyIP, 200, ATGaw13lia,thcaknthodef AninTuvtGroi1lev0ne1tms,,tehwnahttiocifshBilnehacldiibnsitt1eo,dtshubepypatcohtrietvsmathiToeOnfRorfcmtohametipUonlLeKxof1inacnonmoisrpomleaaxtil,occnoonnmtdaeimitniobinrngasn.UeTK(hpLih1s/ac2go,omFpIhpPo2ler0ex0),,,...
Thus resveratrol, being a hydroxylated stilbene, has the advantage of a completely planar structure that probably can be coordinated by the terminal phenolic moieties. This hypothesis is also strengthened by the evidence that non-stilbenic phenolics alone are not sufficient to give rise to the same...