Here a tutorial on what tf does in graph optimization stage. Already did this and still the problem. I reduced the batch size and it is running, praying to run smoothly now. Anyone share your experience ^^ Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account?
I have the same issues too, i followed the code shows in most below method. # The function to be traced. @tf.function def my_func(x, y): # A simple hand-rolled layer. return tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(x, y)) # Set up logging. stamp =...
(crop3d1, data_format='channels_first') File "/usr/local/google/home/reedwm/venvs/tf2_0/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow_core/python/keras/layers/", line 2565, in __init__ 'Found: ' + str(cropping)) ValueError: `cropping` should have 3 elements. Found: (array(...
Is there a way were i can find if the problem is the Step 1: Export TFLite inference graph This step generates an intermediate SavedModel that can be used with the TFLite Converter via commandline or Python API. To use the script: # From the tensorflow/models/research/ directory python ...