Hormone therapy: This involves taking medication to stop the production of the male hormone, testosterone, or blocking the action of testosterone. Prostate cancer cells require testosterone to grow. Therefore, cutting off the supply of testosterone can cause cancer cells to die and/or decrease their...
The NHS wrote:This US study looked at a medical records database to see how commonerectile dysfunction(impotence) was among men prescribed two drugs, dutasteride and finasteride, both used to treat non-cancerousprostate enlargement. The drugs work by blocking the male hormone testosterone. A low ...
Benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH) is also a possible cause. This condition causes the prostate gland to become enlarged. An enlarged prostate pushes against the structure of the urinary tract. This includes theurethraand the bladder neck, resulting infrequent urination. The enlargement of the prostate...
particularly testosterone. As the male begins to go through the stages of puberty, the body secretes androgens in addition to thyroid and growth hormones. The amount that the penis grows during these growth spurts varies with each male