How does the temperature affect the hydraulic conductance of Sugar Maple? How dose moisture affect sex ratio of loggerheads independent of temperature? Explain the effects of wavelength of light on the rate of reaction. How do biological processes influence the type and amount of gases dissolved in...
How do temperature and salinity relate to deep current movements? Why are there fewer marine organisms in the ocean's depth? Why is dissolved oxygen important for marine organisms? Does ocean acidification affect salinity? Why is freshwater biology important?
oxygen calculated using wind speed every 10 min (Cole & Caraco, 1998); St is the saturation concentration of DO based on water temperature and atmospheric pressure; zt is the mixed layer depth calculated based on the water density gradient using water temperature profiles following Coloso et al....
with constant temperature at 23 ± 1 oC and ad-libitum access to food and water. Tests were performed during the light phase of the cycle between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm. Mice were allowed to acclimatize to the new environment for one week before treatment initiation. Animals ...
temperature than the pure solvent in order for freezing to happen. When the freezing point of a liquid is lowered by the presence of an additive, freezing point depression occurs. The exact freezing point is determined by the quantity of solute particles dissolved in the solvent. The more ...
Other factors affect the amount of O2 that water can contain. Specifically, they are the temperature of the water and the altitude of the water. Temperature. The lower the temperature, the higher the amount of dissolved oxygen in a body of water; the opposite is also true, in other words...
We measured the P budget annually and in the lake's open season, in situ thermistor chains registered temperature. Solar irradiance, precipitation, wind speed and direction were recorded by a nearby weather station. On a weekly basis, oxygen, pH (YSI) and algal distribution and composition (...
How does methane affect ocean acidification? Methane: Methane is the smallest of the alkane chemical compounds. It has a single carbon atom which is bonded to four hydrogen atoms. Alkanes are fully saturated hydrocarbons. At room temperature and pressure, methane is a gas. ...
How do bodies of water affect climate? How can upwelling affect the thermocline's depth in a body of water? What is the effect of the thermocline on dissolved oxygen in a body of water? Does temperature affect evaporation? How does the thermocline of a body of water change with latitude?
Why would rocks melt at a lower temperature when water is above or present? Explain what is Gaseous exchange and why is it done and where does it occur? Why is water important to a cell? Why is ATP so full of energy? Why is it necessary to phosphorylate molecules?