Does barium or magnesium have a larger atomic radius?Question:Does barium or magnesium have a larger atomic radius?Comparing Atomic and Ionic Radii:We use two generalizations to compare the atomic radii of elements. The more determining factor is the number of electron shells: The greater the num...
Answer and Explanation:1 These elements are Group IA metals known as alkali metals. The given elements are marked by the one valence electron in each of their outermost... Learn more about this topic: Effective Nuclear Charge | Overview, Formula & Trends ...
When a combination reaction occurs between a metal and a non-metal the product is an ionic solid. An example could belithium reacting with sulfur to give lithium sulfide. When magnesium burns in air, the atoms of the metal combine with the gas oxygen to produce magnesium oxide. ...
Based on the octet rule, magnesium most likely forms what ion? What is the formal charge on the sulfur atom in a Lewis structure for the sulfate ion in which every atom satisfies the octet rule? Which do not obey the octet rule? Check all that apply. (a) N...
what is the number of orbitals with the quantum numbers n=3, l=2 and m1=0?Oxygen and sulfur have unpaired electrons in their outer shell and, therefore, form covalent bond(s) with other atoms. They also have pair(s) of electrons (lone pair(s)) in their outer shel...
What is the electronegativity of magnesium? What is the electronegativity of sulfur? Why is fluorine special in terms of electronegativity? What is the electronegativity of argon? Which element in period 4 has the highest electronegativity? Who discovered electronegativity? What is increasing ionic chara...