The numbers just don't stack up and this is because Thais often have the support of a family network. They sometimes live at home (so food and accommodation costs are zero) and when the car tax needs paying or there's a nice new handbag they've got their eye on, they can dip into...
CAFCivil Asset Forfeiture(police) CAFCapacité d'Autofinancement(French: Cash Flow from Operations) CAFCitius, Altius, Fortius(Latin: Faster, Higher, Stronger) CAFCooperativas Agrarias Federadas(Uruguay) CAFContinuous Auto Focus(camera feature) ...
SB Special Branch (Met Police, London) SB South Bound SB Shipping Bill (various organizations) SB Speed Brake SB Sex Bomb SB Sexy Beach (game) SB Side Band SB Sirius Black (Harry Potter) SB Selbstbedienung (German: self service) SB Sodium Benzoate SB Spoiled Brat SB SONICblue (electronics...
SBSpecial Branch(Met Police, London) SBSouth Bound SBShipping Bill(various organizations) SBSpeed Brake SBSex Bomb SBSexy Beach(game) SBSide Band SBSirius Black(Harry Potter) SBSelbstbedienung(German: self service) SBSodium Benzoate SBSpoiled Brat ...