Like, Mitt Romney’s zillion-dollar-a-plate fundraisers seem to always be pretty full. It can’t literally be in a rich person’s self-interest to buy a plate there. But a lot of rich people could have conservative-libertarian-pro-business ideas that encourage them to quasi-altruistically ...
Well sadly, that stylish venture is no more, but Bey’s fashion star rose from the ashes like a phoenix and gifted the world Ivy Park! Her debut collection nearly sold out the second it hit Topshop, and her most recent Adidas collections have also been wildly popular—so Beyoncé ...
2. The Mandalorian: If you’re in the mood for a space-faring adventure, The Mandalorian is the perfect show for you. This Star Wars spin-off follows the journey of a lone bounty hunter as he traverses the galaxy in search of his quarry. With plenty of action, drama, and a few sur...
Homer wrote it (The Iliad and The Odyssey being fan fiction versions of classic myths), as did Milton (Paradise Lost being biblical FF), and it is usually said to have really taken off in Star Trek fanzines in the 1970s (Hellekson and Busse, 2014). While all of these certainly predate...
Jupiter's Legacyis Millar's longest-running comic book series that was heavily influenced by Star Wars, Roman mythology and a shed load of origin stories from classic comics. It follows the children of the world's greatest superheroes, Brandon and Chloe, who have powers themselves but use the...
A scene from the movie The Lord of the Rings provides an allegory. KingThéodenlet his kingdom be overrun as he had been asleep - under a spell. A wicked counselor to the King named Wormtongue had been whispering in the King'...
before he published the Book of Mormon so it’s a very strange career. His masterwork is produced at the beginning of his career rather than at the end so it does seem like a star or comet comes out of nowhere and just lights up the scene and I don’t see how that could h...
The Rings of Power season 1 is eight episodes long, and only two have been released. On the basis of these first two episodes, this is everything Amazon wanted - a worthy successor to The Lord of the Rings, somehow managing to be just as good as those unforgettable movies. The ...
tugging on heartstrings and spilling the blood of a surprising number of talking animals while drawing the saga of Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, and the gang to a satisfying conclusion. While not as punchy and concise as the first installment or as emotionally complicated as the second, "Vol. ...
That is why I have agreed to emulate the KAVS at a local level and to give a ‘Lord Mayor’s Award’ to some of the unrecognised people in the city. Full details of the Lord Mayor’s Award are being worked out and we are experimenting with some awards in the coming months. Again,...