Find the distance in parsecs to Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, which has an annual parallax of 0.376 arcsec. Calculate the circular speed of an object that orbits the Sun at a distance of 0.2 AU. (1 AU = 1.5e^{+11} meters, the distance bet...
Sirius (meaning "scorching" in Greek), also known as the dog star, is 8.6 light-years away. What is the distance to this star in kilometers? Calculate the wavelength of a light traveling at 80% of the speed of light. What is th...
Last thing, processing images is every bit as challenging as taking them and more. Learning processing will have a massive effect on the "kid appreciation factor". I was able to get good data fairly early in my AP journey, but I would say that only now are my processing skills catching ...
If that is the normal rate of evolution, then a planet circling a star such as Sirius could never have life advanced beyond the simplest form of bacterial life, for after a mere half-billion years, Sirius would become a red giant and destroy the planet. Furthermore, if a star is very ...
Some souls choose straight away to incarnate on Earth. But some souls choose to begin their first incarnation in another star system, likeSiriusor the Pleiades, just to give a couple of well-known examples. Those who have experienced their first incarnation elsewhere are called star travellers or...
is magnitude -26.7. The star Sirius is magnitude -1.46. It's 70 times more luminous than the Sun, but it lies 8.6 light-years away and is slightly dimmed by distance. It's important to understand that a very bright object at a great distance can appear very dim because of its distance...