4.• Yes, I think women today still have a lower status than men do. For instance, in top government positions, there are very few women. To solve the problem, I think we can make a law to specify that a certain percentage of women should be hired for a certain type of position....
Today’s mass killing of innocent young children and adults in the Sandy Hook Elementary School has rocked us to our core. On the “violence continuum” this is off the chart, an extraordinary, unthinkable act by a disturbed individual. It shatters our belief of school as a safe haven–a ...
In theJim Crow South, for example, police officers, bus drivers, educators and other agents of the state worked in tandem to maintain segregation and, thus, racism against people of color. While ethnic minorities during this time may have harbored ill will towards Caucasians, they lacked the ...
(Para. 7) A man who believes that women should stick to working as transcribing secretaries or midwives and leave the “good” jobs to men with families is more feminist than a man who believes in strict segregation of the genders or who insists that a woman shouldn’t leave the house ...
This result is rather novel as the literature, both on social segregation and ISM, generally focuses on graduates who are in the labour force and does not examine career decisions after graduation. Results also confirm the theoretical considerations, namely that ISM is likely to provide different ...
popular rubbish masking as history that one sees on television today. I learned that I had to go back to the ancient sources which in this case are the histories written by Plutarch, Dio Cassius, Strabo and others. So, I think that I’ve ...
So we should expect free rider problems. Suppose a representative of the Rich People’s Union asks for a $10,000 donation to fight for lower taxes. There are hundreds of thousands of rich people, so you’re pretty sure your one donation isn’t going to push anything over the edge one ...
That disconnect, says Cavanaugh, could engender a defector segregation in the Irish school system— and a potentially unfair distribution of more resources to Irish schools. " These schools could unintentionally lead to a kind of white flight from English-language education," she says. At Cavanaugh...
Wheeler, as a former anti-segregation protester in the South, under Eisenhower and probably the only one of that era still alive, I know racists very well and you fit the mold exactly. If I had any problem, with race, I wouldn't have lived in Jamaica for over a decade or be in ...