This shows that the clustering of similar pupils in specific schools increased noticeably from 1996 to 2001, but then settled at a level still below that of 1989 when official records began. The analysis uses four estimates of segregation using figures for take-up of, and eligibility for, free...
What do the failed educational reform initiatives critiqued in this essay have in common? A belief that the answers to the challenges we face were clear and simple. They made promises to fix the ills of our schools. That very large sums of money gave you the right to experiment. Projects...
In theJim Crow South, for example, police officers, bus drivers, educators and other agents of the state worked in tandem to maintain segregation and, thus, racism against people of color. While ethnic minorities during this time may have harbored ill will towards Caucasians, they lacked the ...
Like, Mitt Romney’s zillion-dollar-a-plate fundraisers seem to always be pretty full. It can’t literally be in a rich person’s self-interest to buy a plate there. But a lot of rich people could have conservative-libertarian-pro-business ideas that encourage them to quasi-altruistically ...
“world favorite” of democratic constitutionalism—the Federal Republic of Germany—is still relatively young and in significant ways a result of its American counterpart, the legal system of the United States is of such tradition and status that even today it takes a great share of the ...
popular rubbish masking as history that one sees on television today. I learned that I had to go back to the ancient sources which in this case are the histories written by Plutarch, Dio Cassius, Strabo and others. So, I think that I’ve ...
Because accountability invariably applies to entire states at an instant in time, the variation across schools within a state cannot be employed to identify the impacts of accountability; it is necessary to rely on state-level variation in student outcomes. ...
desegregation describe dependent democrats customers counter continues constantly connected communities communists code bread bars automatic atoms assumption arc y winston walter treasury tongue today's thrown thoroughly talent studying stranger soldier shouted shear shared severe senator rode regarding rayburn ...
GORARD, S. (2009): Does the index of segregation matter? The composition of secondary schools in England since 1996. British Educational Research Journal, 35(4): 639-652.Gorard S. Does the index of segregation matter? The composition of secondary schools in England since 1996. British ...
"Social segregation in secondary schools: How does England compare with other countries?" Oxford Review of Education 34, no. 1: 21-38.Jenkins, S. P., Micklewright, J., & Schnepf, S. V. (2006). Social Segregation in Secondary Schools: How Does England Compare with Other Countries? IZA...