export http_proxy=me:mypassword@myproxy.foo.com:8000 export https_proxy=me:mypassword@myproxy.foo.com:8001 rustup component download rust-src Cargo can be configured generally speaking by setting$CARGO_HOME/.cargo/config, with something like: [http] proxy = "myproxy.foo.com:8000" timeout = ...
(server=ab228686-34ad-4cff-95c5-aa4551a9c429) 14:32:04.601Z INFO wings: Checking if we need to update image quay.io/pterodactyl/core:rust, if so it will happen now. 14:32:06.643Z INFO wings: Pulling image quay.io/pterodactyl/core:rust ... this could take a few minutes. 14:32:...