being to some extent end-to-end, the consistency between these seemingly unrelated studies inspires the notion that a specific nanostructure, rather than atomic-scale defects, exists in the gap between adjacent C-S-H nano units, potentially being a part of one or both neighbouring nano units. ...
there. This is a very small amount relative to theheatcoming from radioactive decay and from theheatassociated with the formation and differentiation of the Earth. The amount of Earth tide energy flow, 200 gigawatts is miniscule by any planetary standard, it hardly varies at all over periods ...
ratio. TheStandardModeloftheelectroweakandstronginter- actionshasabout18parameters,whichhavetobeadjusted inaccordancewithexperimentalobservations.Thesein- cludethethreecouplingstrengthsg 1 ,g 2 g 3 ,thescaleof theelectroweaksymmetrybreaking,givenbytheuniversal Fermiconstant,the9Yukawacouplingsofthesixquarks and...