They proposed a theoretical pyramid model of the concept of climate justice, which has “recognition” as the base (square) and “distribution”, “procedure”, “right”, and “responsibility” as the four sides of the pyramid (see Fig. 1). The strength of the pyramid framework is its ...
This paper analyses the impact of corporate social performance (CSP) on bank efficiency in a sample of 108 European listed banks across 21 countries over t
Like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs pyramid (1943), the Al-Ghazzalian paradigm points out that humankind's wellbeing is contingent on preserving five fundamental symbiotic essentials: al-din, al-nafs, al-aql, al-nasl, and al-mal (Ishak and Asni, 2020; Kader, 2021). We focus on the ...
And there are a lot more players on the margins — or, if you want a better visual, on the bottom of the pyramid — than there are near the top. SHIPNUCK: There’s about 200 players who have some playing status on the P.G.A. Tour — that’s the big leagues. Of those 200 play...
At this time, soil microbial activity lays the foundation for improving the ability of grasslands to cope with the severe environment in high-altitude areas [62]; therefore, the area of SOS was the largest in the range of 4500–5000 m, showing an inverted pyramid shape. The SOS in the ...
Interestingly it’s innovation: Reviewing sustainability performance management in the base of the pyramid (BoP). Technovation 2022, 112, 102394. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Kamarudin, K.A.; Ariff, M.A.; Wan Ismail, W.A. Product market competition, board diversity and corporate sustainability...
In the latest dietary guideline for Malaysians (MDG 2020), the food pyramid has been revamped with FV placed at the base of the pyramid, and the recommendation is to have more than two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables daily to achieve an adequate intake of FV [2]. La...
The parameter 𝛼0𝜏α0τ is a constant for each quantile regression. The regressor 𝑙𝑛𝑐𝑠𝑟𝑖,𝑡−1 lncsri,t−1 denotes the first lagged logarithm of the main explanatory variable to proxy the extent of the CSR activities of Korean listed corporations. The regressors 𝑙...
This will have an impact on the enterprise’s production [2], which is significant in enhancing the corporate total factor productivity. Corporate social responsibility is also a signal. By disclosing corporate social responsibility information, an enterprise can satisfy its stakeholders about its ...