Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. Masturbation is probably the most universal of all sexual practices, at least among men. Surveys on the subject since the nineteenth century suggest that well over...
Lupron Depot and Eligard are brand name medicines that both contain the active ingredient leuprolide acetate. Both Lupron Depot and Eligard are prescribed to treat the symptoms of advanced prostate cancer. Lupron Depot is also approved to treat endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or central precocious pub...
UTCs contribute to a host of immunological activities, rapidly responding to microbial and viral infections and playing key roles in tumor suppression. Aging and chronic disease both have been shown to adversely affect UTC numbers and function, with increased...
My nerve endings get a LOT of stimulation during normal vaginal sex and a woman’s get a lot less. The very existence of your “G-spot” has been denied by a lot of scientists, but I can assure you it exists and that my prostate can be just as pleasurable for me when stimulated ...
Medicine, referred to it as the “the female prostate.” Many Renaissance scientists, including Realdo Colombo and Regnier DeGraaf, wrote about the area we now call the G-spot and the fluids that might be emitted when a woman had a particularly powerful orgasm through stimulation of that area...
8. May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk There are male-specific health benefits of sex, too. One study showed that men who had frequent ejaculations (defined as 21 times a month or more) were less likely to develop prostate cancer than those who had fewer ejaculations. It did not matter if the...
To help interpret the results of the mutagenesis studies, molecular modeling was used to predict the structural changes in the P450c17 protein as a result of the mutations. Superpositions of the mutant models with the native structure reveal that the major alterations were on the surface of P450...
Adequate levels of vitamin D in PHPT will help to control any tendency for PTH levels to rise further, if 25(OH)D levels fall below a threshold value. The concern is that the pathophysiological processes leading the overproduction of PTH in PHPT could be worsened by a secondary stimulation ...
A physical examination represents a fundamental step in diagnosing diseases. Due to the role that hormones play in the regulation of numerous biological processes in various organs and systems, endocrine diseases cause a variety of clinical manifestation
found that an increased survival and stimulation of hematopoiesis in irradiated mice can be obtained both by an administration of PGE2, and following the treatment with the selective COX-2 inhibitor meloxicam, but that the effectiveness of the therapies depends on the timing of the injections [98]...