Chainsaw Man is set in 1997 and follows a young man named Denji trying to escape his crippling debt by hunting down dangerous devils alongside his devil-dog, Pochita. But after being betrayed by a friend, Denji is imbued with the power of a devil himself. Oh, and he also now has ...
In 2021, the quartet used its star power to address one of the biggest issues of our time. After being appointed ambassadors for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, BLACKPINK briefly returned from hiatus to record a special message enc...
sub-genre of action films defined as “Die Hardin/on/during…” and that is perfectly fine here because A.Die Hardis a great movie to try and ape, and B. Powers Boothe. Here the Muscles from Brussels is our everyman caught in the wrong place at the wrong time –and so are his ...
@hell man – exactly. This is probably some Apple fanboy trying to create negative press. I bet its the top headline on the the MAC nut case sites. I saw one the other day talking about his switch back to the iPhone from a Desire because Android just wasn’t done. ...