This book is an academic work which reviews and critiques the research literature concerning violent games and their alleged effects on players. It...doi:10.1057/978-1-137-57985-0Barrie GunterPalgrave Macmillan UKGunter, Marrie. 2016. Does Playing Video Games Make Play- ers More Violent? New ...
The current study tested whether participants who played a violent video game (VVG) would exhibit increased aggressive inclinations relative to those who played a non-violent video game (NVG). Participants (N=386) were randomly assigned to play a VVG or a NVG prior to presumably interacting with...
It is a widespread concern that violent video games promote aggression, reduce pro-social behaviour, increase impulsivity and interfere with cognition as well as mood in its players. Previous experimental studies have focussed on short-term effects of vi
Are the effects of Unreal violent video games pronounced when playing with a virtual reality system? This study was conducted to analyze the short-term effects of violent electronic games, played with or without a virtual reality (VR) device, on the instig... P Arriaga,F Esteves,P Carneiro...
nor between baseline and a follow-up assessment 2 months after the interventionperiod had ended. The present results thus provide strong evidence against the frequently debated negative effects of playingviolent video games in adults and will therefore help to communicate a more realistic scientif i ...
including video games, has no link to violent crime. "I think it's OK morally to have a problem with celebrating violence. It's even OK to say maybe playing video games a lot does something to you, but it definitely doesn't make you a mass shooter. There ar...
skip to main content meghan o'gieblyn culture apr 29, 2024 6:00 am i’m a boy. does playing female characters in video games make me gay? wired’s advice columnist answers questions about fantasy vs. reality. illustration: ohni lisle save save i’m a guy “in real life,” but i’...
Some researchers hypothesized that playing violent video games has an effect on the gamer's real life, e.g. the confrontation with aggression in the video game leads to aggressive behavior in the real world (Gentile and Gentile, 2007). This view was corroborated with meta-analytic studies (...
Violent games draw attention of lawmakers ; Opponents say violent games have added; component of decision making that TV does notKevin Blocker Staff writer