Guest Editorial Excellence—Does the Word Mean Anything Anymore? Theresa M. Valiga, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN Journal of Nursing Education August 2010 - Volume 49 · Issue 8: 427-428 DOI: 10.3928/01484834-20100721-01 COMMENT ON THIS ARTICLE EMAIL PRINT SAVE if (typeof (savedoc) != "...
Task scheduler trigger: "At system startup" - what does it actually mean? TASK SCHEDULER: scheduler status is being “RUNNING” always Tasklist ERROR: Not Found TCP download speed over high latency connections is poor (compared to Linux) telnet output save it to file or any other alternativ...
I was pretty sure this is safe – after all – PostgreSQL is modular, and You can add any casts/functions/operators/anything You want, and I guessed that if You can add something – it shouldn’t break anything else. Of course if we have a software that *relies* on the fact that 1...
does this mean that the email address i am trying to send to doesn’t exist? thanks Alex Reply Leo A. Notenboom March 19, 2008 at 3:22 pm —–BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE—– Hash: SHA1 That’s what I would assume Leo —–BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE—– Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32) iD...
Does that mean no further effort is being made to resolve this issue? As it stands it's hard to see how I or anybody else can use ClickOnce deployment. It seems this can happen at anytime even if the deployment is working fine at the moment. When it strikes every copy of your ...
I assume you mean here that it should instead be a multiplier on the source rate which makes sense. Yes. X overlaps = X * Vixen's trigger rate. Right now your effective source rate displays that is the main curse. I don't know how you do the simulation so that might be correct. ...
(pg- 50, S.E Hinton) Ponyboy has never been hit by darry nor has Darry ever hit Ponyboy so it was all just a very big shock to the boys that it took a little while for them to process what really happened. This is a conflict because Ponyboy doesn’t like being hit or for it...
Professional mean girl 16.6k 256 PostedMarch 31, 2021 You know , I think I can pile on and say that the AA in my games... doesn't work either. I have a 4k display so I can kinda just escape the problem by running thing in 4k. But yeah , my AA also doesn't work. Hairless...
excellence—does the word mean stronganythingstrong anymore:卓越这个词的意思stronganythingstrong了 G u e s t e d i t o r i a lExcellence—Does the Word Mean Anything Anymore?“success in america is quite easy to achieve…because so many are satisfied with mediocrity.”~Bob Huggins, ...
Why Does Nobody Know Anything Anymore?The introductory chapter establishes the scope of the issues to which this book seeks to respond. It frames the problem of 'post-truth' politics as an issue of complexity. It argues that complexity is an inescapable feature of modern social systems and ...