Higher rates of depression: The condition comes with all sorts of challenges—from infertility to excessive facial hair. Combined with hormonal imbalances, these factors make women with PCOS more prone to depression and anxiety. The good news? You don’t have to figure out PCOS alone. Noom Weig...
Does rosacea cause fever? Does alcohol cause rosacea? Do mites cause rosacea? Does rosacea cause dry flaky skin? Is rosacea genetic? How does rosacea cause blepharitis? Does rosacea cause facial swelling? Is rosacea caused by mites? Does the sun cause rosacea?
And that’s not the only hormonal profile associated with thinning hair. Example #2: Testosterone:Estrogen Ratio Imbalances While PCOS-affected women with pattern hair loss (AGA) tend to have higher free testosterone levels, so doperi-menopausal womenwho are losing their hair but aren’t sufferin...
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is where women have small cysts on their ovaries (organs that produce eggs) and is characterised by the clinical signs of infrequent or very light menstruation (periods), failure to conceive (become pregnant) and excessive hair growth. Thus far, only a limited...
Leaving poetics behind, we come to the point of this post. Does sugar cause acne? The short answer is yes, and in this post I’ll explain why. Research in the past few decades has uncovered two main factors behind acne: hormones and inflammation. Hormones put the skin glands to overdriv...
are some common facial abnormalities (e.g., protruding forehead due to reduced development of the face bone, sparse and bristly hair, and crowded teeth that frequently become decayed) [37]. These signs are often associated with a reduction in volume of genitalia with delayed puberty, although ...