In animals, lipases are produced to aid in the digestion of lipid-containing diet. ... The pancreatic lipase (also referred to as pancreatic triacylglycerol lipase) is the fat-splitting enzyme secreted by the pancreas. Ithydrolyzes triacylglycerol (triglyceride) to produce simpler glyceride unit and...
There are few long-term studies on the effect of cassava ingestion on the pancreas in animal models. This article reports on the long-term (up to 1 yr) effects of cassava in the rat model. We found that cassava did not produce diabetes in the rat even after a year of cassava feeding...
a hormone known as lipase begins breaking down stored fat. Tissues throughout the body, such as the muscle and liver, metabolize the previously stored fat through the citric acid cycle and electron transport chain. Byproducts from these
How do enzyme molecules react with reactants to produce substrates? How does a spectrophotometer measure enzyme activity? Which enzymes are secreted only by the pancreas? How do enzymes regulate the rate of chemical reactions? What enzyme can help to catabolize and metabolize lactose? Why is it ...
DNA: DNA is the hereditary material of humans. The DNA molecule consists of two antiparallel polynucleotide chains. The sequence of nucleotides in the polynucleotide provides the instructions to assemble RNA and protein molecules. Answer and Explanation: ...
How does the body produce more mucus? What is the biological process that does this? Explain why a gallstone located in the bile duct at a point distal to the entry of the pancreatic duct might result in elevations of serum amylase and serum lipase and abdominal pain. What is...
"Fat is comprised of strings of aptly named fatty acids, which are broken down by an enzyme produced in the pancreas known as lipase." What does the word "aptly" mean in this answer? What are the different methods of cardiovascular endurance training? Does vigorous exercise raise metabolism?