A centigram (cg) is a unit that measures weight in the metric system, and is 1/100 of a gram. This means that one hundred centigrams equal one gram.
For nodes a & b of character 4, ML and SCM sug- gested alternative states (2 vs. 1), while BAYESTRAITS suggested the two states are nearly equal probable, similar to MP (Fig. 2B). For nodes c and f of Charac- ter 4, the ancestral states are equivocal in MP and ML analyses, ...
Normality is a measure of concentration that is equal to the gram equivalent weight of solute per litre of solution. Gram equivalent weight is a measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule*. Unit of normality isEq/L. Does volume increase with temperature?
What is the mass (to the nearest gram) of a liquid with a density of 2.12 g/mL and a volume of 53.0 mL? How many milliliters are in a gallon? What is 1 ul (microliters) in ml (milliliters)? A volume of 1,500 milliliters is equal to how many liters? How many liters are...
One gram of Silver and 1 cubic centimeter of Aluminum are dropped into a pool. Which has the largest buoyant force on it? Explain. If your boat weighs 1400 N, how much water will it displace when it s floating motionless at the surface of a lake?
After the leaves had cooled to room temperature (1 h), the stain was replaced with chloral hydrate at 1 g/ml. Blue-color stained leaves were monitored using a microscope. 4.8. Antioxidants enzyme assays One gram of fresh leaves of TRV control, pTRV2-NSs/-NSsL172R/-NSsS189R and pTRV2-...
About how many times will an average woman ovulate in one year? If you want to make 100 mL of a 1:2 dilution of a protein solution, how much protein solution and how much water will you use? What is the max dilution needed to make certain that a countable plate (25-250 colo...
Our data further indicate that plasmin generation in general has no role in host defense against pneumonia, if one considers that Plg-/- mice were indistinguishable from Wt mice in this model. Therefore, further studies are warranted to examine how an altered function (or absence) of PAI-1 ...
Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the Study.com ...
If a soil holds 16 meq of Mg^{2+} per 100 g, how many ppm (parts per million) would this equal? What does 1 ppm mean? a. one part in one million parts b. one millipart c. one million parts in one million parts d. the entire object weighs one million grams ...