FAILED: Execution Error,returncode1fromorg.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException(message:User cdh_admin does not have privilegesforCREATETABLE) 解决办法:参考 Hi I had...
"User does not have privileges for CREATETABLE" Error Labels: Apache Hadoop Apache Hive Apache Sentry Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub (CDH) Kerberos Security ferdsngo Explorer Created on 10-30-2014 03:44 AM - edited 09-16-2022 02:11 AM I am trying to c...
Caused by: MetaException(message:User some-user does not have privileges for CREATETABLE) at org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.ThriftHiveMetastore$create_table_with_environment_context_result$ at o...
user aaa does not have privileges for create_as_select 1. 检查权限 在Hive 中,可以使用SHOW GRANT命令查看当前用户的权限: SHOWGRANTUSERaaa; 1. 确保该用户具有CREATE权限。如果没有权限,可以联系管理员进行权限的分配。 解决权限问题 方法一:授予权限 作为管理员,你可以使用GRANT语句将权限赋予用户。以下是授...
The form bound to the class does not have a valid binding for the root component 使用IntelliJIDEA编写JAVASWING 设计好按钮之后,点alt+insert,选择form main自动生成代码的时候报了个错误 这个是因为JPanel没有添加名字 选择JPanel下面点击field name 添加一个name 再自动生成代码就不会报错了... ...
I attempted to create the table myself but then it says that it does not have permission to access the table (even after I re-granted the permissions via grant all privileges on schema <schema> to <user>; ). postgresql liquibase Share Improve this question Follow edited May 15 a...
I have the same issue too, All action under SQL Server option always fails. The 'Server Name', 'Database Name', and 'Table Name' input fields always show error 'Could not retrieve values. The caller with object id { objectid } does not have permission for connect...
When I run LDP.exe the connection on port 636 fails with "cannot open connection" and the system event log throws the S Channel event 36869 "The SSL server credential's certificate does not have a private key information property attached to it" There is no software firewall set on the ...
This works fine for all users except one. I assumed it was a problem with that user's privileges, but when I connected to the database thru SSMS using his login, I was able to excecute the sproc successfully. I even explicitly granted that SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE to that user b...
The authorization ID of the process does not have the necessary privileges. If the access control authorization exit is active and the AUTHEXIT_CHECK subsystem parameter is set to DB2, this error might occur if ACEE cannot be created for the authorization ID auth-id. If operation is CREATE VA...