一、问题描述 在安装gis desktop10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5软件的过程中修改localhost时出现如下错误:localhost does not have a valid license manager.Please enter a valid License Manager Server. 二、错误原因 出现上述错误的原因是在上一步安装license manager时未能启动服务,从而导致在后面修改localhost时无法...
When connecting to ArcGIS License Manager through ArcGIS Administrator, the following error is returned:Error: "<…>" does not have a valid License Manager. Please enter a valid Licen
At the begining of the instalation process the license server is checked and the instalation can't proceed because "license server does not have a valid license". I have checked the license with lmdiag and everything checks fine including the CCompL license. I think that some o...
When creating a new site in ArcGIS Server Manager, the process fails with the error:<br><br>"Failed to create the site. The machine does not have a valid license. Please authorize ArcGIS Server b
针对你遇到的ANSYS License Manager错误:“request name cfd_solve_level2 does not exist”,以下是一些可能的解决步骤和分析,帮助你解决这个问题: 确认ANSYS版本和许可证类型: 首先,确保你安装的ANSYS版本与你尝试使用的许可证类型相匹配。不同版本的ANSYS可能需要不同类型的许可证。 检查ANSYS的安装文档或官方网站...
License Manager Error -9 Your username does not match the username in the license file. To run on this computer, you must run the Activation client to reactivate your license. Troubleshoot this issue by visiting: https://www.mathworks.com/support/lme/R2019b/9 ...
One of my domain controllers has a DC cert. The other does not. These 2 DCs have been broken out into their own Sites. All machines being tested are in the IP range corresponding the the Site managed by the DC with the DC cert....
This service account does not have the required user right "Log on as a service." Thousands of ESTABLISHED microsoft-ds Connections in Netstat -a Results Time source in RODC Time Sync on Server 2003 Time Sync with PDC- Manual works DOMHIER does not Time synchronisation errors Time-service...
After upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011, a user may encounter the error below when trying to perform an action in Microsoft Dynamics CRM:The logged on user does not have the appropriate security permissions to view these records or perform the spec...
After upgrading Vivado from 2017.2 to 2017.3, Vivado can no longer detect my dongle with a valid Vivado Node-Locked license on it. Everything works correctly using Vivado 2017.2 and earlier versions of Vivado, but not with Vivado 2017.3. I have followed the steps in (Xilinx...