Hi! Tried to run this using Jessie-lite and ended up with: sudo ./adafruit-pi-externalroot-helper -d /dev/sda Target drive = /dev/sda [start] Will create new ext4 filesystem on /dev/sda [start] If there is data on /dev/sda, it will be lo...
通过startAbility()方法无法启动UIAbility实例 启动UIAbility时报“The specified ability does not exist”错误 启动UIAbility时报“must have required property 'startWindowIcon'”错误 调用方使用startAbilityForResult()时,被调用方如何返回数据 如何在未知UIAbility的情况下通过隐式Want拉起应用 拉起UIAbilit...
After the system software and patch files are specified, the device downloads the specified files from the server and then starts using the files. If the system software or patch file exists on the device, the system asks you whether to overwrite the existing system softwa...
Failure status: A device which does not exist was specified. Device manufacturer: Device model: PNY CS2130 8TB SSD Device revision: CS213531 Bus type: NVMe After this fault, I pulled the drive and inserted the PNY 4tb drive (drive 2 from above), inserted into SSD slot 2 where i ...
After completing the two-step verification, an error appeared in the log: "ERROR Keyring file does not exist. Please try again." I checked the config directory and found that only icloudpd.conf and python_keyring were created, and python_keyring is an empty directory. ...
:Hibernate operation:could not execute statement;uncategorized SQLException;SQL state[HY000];error code[1449];The user specified as a definer('username'@'hostname')does not exist;nested exception is java.sql.SQLException:The user specified as a definer('username'@'hostname')does ...
Button OnClick event does not fire an action Button OnClick event from code behind Byte Array to PDF in C#.net Bytes to be written to the stream exceed the Content-Length bytes size specified. C # Interop How to add new column and Row C# .NET class getter/setter shorthand C# 10 minute...
"The specified user does not have a valid profile" error on apps downloaded from Microsoft Store I have been getting this error for a while now and am not able to open any windows app. This error appeared out of no where and is affecting every windows ...
xfsdump: using file dump (drive_simple) strategy xfsdump: version 3.1.3 (dump format 3.0) xfsdump: WARNING: no session label specified xfsdump: WARNING: most recent level 0 dump was interrupted, but not resuming that dump since resume (-R) option not specified xfsdump: level 0 dump of...