I am porting an example for a MVC Core tutorial over to .Net Core and it seem great except when it is finished I get a red squiggly line under the "Json" saying it does not exist in the current context. The tutorial is at https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/creating-simple-...
not NOT IN. * On the left side of the IN predicate, the row constructor contains only column references. * On the right side of the IN predicate, row constructors contain only runtime constants, which are either literals or local column references that are bound to constants during execution...
I did that because Windows does not always automatically switch to another internet connection if the current one is lost. When my program does that, I want its window to pop into the foreground on the desktop, to alert me to the situation when I return to the computer. In Windows 7, ...
[flang] optionally lower scalar and explicit shape with fir.declare Oct 20, 2022 libc [libc][NFC] add missing static qualifiers in tests Oct 20, 2022 libclc [libclc] Quote addition of CLC/LLAsm flags Aug 31, 2022 libcxx [libc++][doc] Fixes status pages. ...
I did that because Windows does not always automatically switch to another internet connection if the current one is lost. When my program does that, I want its window to pop into the foreground on the desktop, to alert me to the situation when I return to the computer. In Windows 7, ...