例如下载到Keil C51是这样一个可执行文件(.exe文件智能推荐解决报错:editor does not contain a main type 报错过程 今天运行带有main函数的java文件时,报错:editor does not contain a main type 明明有main函数,但是为什么会报错呢? 问题分析 逐一排查问题发现:原来java类没有写到src里面的包里,如下图: 问题...
芯片型号选错了,否则安装的就是keil 51不是arm的,我没有keil arm,如果是keil 51,你的安装目录下有个C51文件夹,arm版的应当有armcc之类的文件夹,还有一个比较小的可能就是tools.ini,内容不对,里面有个PATH=你的编译器目录,例如51是PATH="C:\DevTools\Keil51\C51\",我没有keil arm,不...
‘C\Keil\TOOLS.INI’ does not contain a valid tool path for 'C51' 我在打开别人的UV工程时,出现以下错误: 主要是因为我之前安装的是UV for ARM,不支持C51,经查阅,搜到网上一篇文章用于解决此类问题 文章源自CSDN,作者:geekuno 文章链接:https://blog.csdn.net/u014663232/article/details/54411514/ 该文...
and pushing it back, whether just apodman pull+podman push, or using buildah, is notin generalgoing to reconstruct layers; the compressed form is lost, and re-compression can always produce a different binary form of the original layer. ...
I found a strange problem in msysGit, I am wondering if it's a bug. I already discussed it here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/msysgit/6XLoSPH26kc You can download my Demo.zip attachment there. It seems not to happen in Git for...
This directory and its sub-directories contain source code for LLVM, a toolkit for the construction of highly optimized compilers, optimizers, and run-time environments. The README briefly describes how to get started with building LLVM. For more information on how to contribute to the LLVM proje...