* What went wrong: Could not create task ':services:workbook-svc:collectReachabilityMetadata'. Cannot set the value of task ':services:workbook-svc:collectReachabilityMetadata' property 'metadataService' of type org.graalvm.buildtools.gradle.internal.GraalVMReachabilityMetadataService using a provider of...
I am using IntelliJ for one of my java projects. It has to build with gradle and from the command line, it works fine, both build and run. However, Intellij is not able to build and run the project.It can import the project with all the dependencies, b...
Just for info, with IJ 2024.2.2 Ult, Plugin DevKit 242.22855.74, Gradle 8.10.2 and org.jetbrains.intellij.platform 2.0.1, I had to download platform sources + reload Gradle project twice. So, even this workaround sometimes fails. IsaacHayes1995 commented Oct 23, 2024 I struggled with the...
When using thegradlewith thejavaToolchainsoption, toolchains are set up in a way that is not compatible with IntelliJ IDEA or any other tool that does not make use of a binary to launch Gradle. When using the built Gradle instance in IntelliJ IDEA, IDEA does not use the chosen toolchain s...
针对您提出的“selection does not contain a main type”错误,这个问题通常出现在与编译、构建或代码组织相关的场景中,尤其是在使用特定工具或IDE(集成开发环境)时。这个错误表明当前的选择(selection)或上下文环境中没有找到一个主类型(main type),通常指的是程序的入口点,如Java中的public static void main(String...
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: Class com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree$JCImport does not have member field 'com.sun.tools.javac.tree.JCTree qualid',这个问题特别容易在涉及到Java编译工具(javac)的版本不兼容时发生,尤其在集成AI相关代码时。 猫头虎是谁?
Value of 'char' type is added to a string pointer. V644. Suspicious function declaration. Consider creating a 'T' type object. V645. Function call may lead to buffer overflow. Bounds should not contain size of a buffer, but a number of characters it can hold. V646. The 'else' ...
2. 如果文件存在,且包名和路径没有问题,那么就打开你项目所在的/android/app/build.gradle文件,删除defaultConfig下的applicationId,或者将applicationId的值改成manifest文件里指定的package。 出现这个问题的原因是你的package和applicationId不一致。如果你没有在你的 build.gradle 文件中定义 applicationId,这个applicationId...
Error:A problem was found with the configuration of task':watch:packageOfficialDebug'. File '...\build\intermediates\res\resources-official-debug-stripped.ap_' specified for property 'resourceFile' does not exist. 解决方法一: 这个大多数原因是开启了混淆造成的,关闭Debug模式下的混淆开关后重新编译即...
I am currently debugging the difference between the gradle script execution in cli vs. IntelliJ. On Execution of our gradle clean build task our custom Task testIntegration is executed. While the script succeeds in cli the same RunConfiguration of this task fails in IntelliJ. ...