In fact, Germany only gets 34% of its natural gas from Russia, roughly equal to the amount it gets from Norway and from the Netherlands. In total, natural gas accounts for just 23% of Germany’s primary energy use – and only 13.5% of the electricity generated at power p...
We may not have had enough power to accurately detect all hybrids as suggested by NEWHY- BRIDS and STRUCTURE output. Method for estimating disequilibria is also awkwardly sensitive to allele fixation as only one fixed allele impairs computation. Thus, we may have underestimated actual hybrid ...
3.1. The offshore wind industry in Norway To test our hypotheses, we explore the participation of Norwegian offshore wind firms in the international offshore wind market. Europe is the most mature market for offshore wind globally, and until recently the majority of projects have been in the ...
Three Gorges (P. R. China), nuclear power plants OKG (Sweden), PBMR (South Africa) and Qinshan (P. R. China), grid operators such as Svenska Kraftnät (Sweden), Statnett (Norway) and TenneT (The Netherlands) as well as distributors such as Vattenfall (Sweden) and Hafslun...
Vit. K2 (MK-7) (Kappa Bioscience AS, Oslo, Norway) was mixed in the diet at a level 100 mg/kg and fed to 95–110-day-old rats for 80 days until sacrifice. The onset of T2DM was detected by weekly blood sugar measurements using the AlphaTRAK veterinary measurement system (Zoetis, ...
Our results have shown that isolated extreme weather events can occur where the gas demand of gas power plants cannot be met in a timely manner. A detailed investigation of the effects of natural gas congestion on the electricity market requires additional iterations between the models which can ...
While the Big Bang made the hydrogen and helium that is abundant in the universe, stars have essentially produced the remainder of the periodic table. They made the atoms that are today part of our planet and ourselves. So the latest insight provided by the Borexino Collaboration about our sun...